Event Details
Event Title Financial Sense for Scientists (FS2) Presents - A Conversation with Some Fools: Investing in Individual Stocks
Location Marsico 6004
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS)
Date/Time 04/23/2019 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Beka Layton rlayton@med.unc.edu
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Financial Sense for Scientists (FS2): A Conversation with Some Fools: Investing in Individual Stocks - April 23

Special guests appearing by skype:
Chris Hill (@TMFChrisHill) - host of Marketfoolery and Motley Fool Money podcasts 
Jason Moser (@TMFJMo) - research analyst, host of Industry Focus podcast and contributor on all Motley Fool podcasts
Shannon Jones (@TMFLilDebbie) - research analyst, host of Industry Focus podcast
Are you a science trainee looking for ways to improve your personal financial situation? Come join Financial Sense for Scientists (FS2) - a personal finance peer mentoring group. This event will be April 23rd from 1-2:30 pm in Marsico Hall Rm 6004 and will cover the advantages of investing in individual stocks, critical factors to consider in selecting companies to invest in, and advice and potential pitfalls for young investors.
Interested in coming to the event? Awesome! If you have a laptop and/or smartphone, bring it. Can't come to the event? No problem. Please email ahardawa@email.unc.edu if you are interested in serving as a mentor or mentee. All are welcome to join our team.  
As always, coffee & cookies will be served!