Event Details
Event Title 2019 UNC Health Equity Summer Intensive
Location UNC Health Sciences Library Research Hub, 2nd Floor
Sponsor Social Medicine - UNC Center for Health Equity Research
Date/Time 06/10/2019 - 06/11/2019 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
Event Price
For more information, contact the event administrator: Rachel Quinto rachel_quinto@med.unc.edu
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The Health Equity Summer Intensive aligns with the UNC Center for Health Equity Research's mission by creating space for community leaders, health care professionals, and academics to learn new tools for health equity research. This year's theme is on Stakeholder Engagement.

This two day workshop will include interactive trainings on concept mapping as a stakeholder-engaged, participatory method to conduct health equity research. Participants will learn how to conduct concept mapping activities from both a facilitator and participant perspective, using online and in-person approaches.

Registration closes on June 3, 2019.

Who should attend?


June 10 (8 - 5pm)

June 11 (8 - 5pm)

Featured Presenters


Concept Mapping


For more information, please email Rachel Quinto cher@unc.edu.