Event Details
Event Title NSF CAREER Writing Series Kick-Off
Location Wilson Library 304 (lower level)
Sponsor Office of Research Development - Center for Faculty Excellence
Date/Time 02/25/2019 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Denise Lindley lindleyd@email.unc.edu
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The Office of Research Development (ORD) is teaming with the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) to launch the NSF CAREER Writing Series aimed at helping prepare faculty across a broad range of disciplines to submit applications to NSF's marquee grant vehicle supporting early career faculty. By combining our expertise in grantsmanship, mentored professional development for early career faculty, and support from current and 'alumni' grantees, we believe this writing series will be a great way for researchers to develop a fully written - and competitive - NSF CAREER proposal. We are holding our kick-off session on Monday, February 25th at 12:30 PM, in Wilson Library Suite 304.

If you are interested in pursuing the NSF CAREER for this summer 's grant cycle or in the years to come, please feel welcome to attend. Come to the kick-off event and decide if you want to be involved in the continued series.

Lunch will be included for this kick-off event. Please let us know of any special dietary needs. Please register by February 21 for lunch to be ordered.

If you have any questions, please contact Denise Lindley at denise_lindley@unc.edu or (919) 962-7503.