Event Details
Event Title Global Grads Tax Information Session 1
Location Graduate Student Center
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 01/24/2019 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Yesenia Pedro Vicente yesipv@live.unc.edu
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Are you an international graduate student who needs assistance with filing your US federal and North Carolina state income tax returns?  The federal income tax filing deadline (midnight on April 15, 2019) will be here before you know it!

Staff from the UNC Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program will be providing two 45-minute information sessions to our Global Grads (international graduate students) on how to get tax preparation assistance through VITA, how and where to sign up for their appointments, and what documents and forms you need to bring with you for your future VITA appointment. 

This information session is open only to UNC international graduate students.  Registration is required and space is limited.  Two identical sessions are being run (on January 24 and January 30) - please only register for ONE session.

 Questions?  E-mail graddiversity@unc.edu