Event Details
Event Title Planning for Parental Leave + What to Expect When You're Expecting-- A Double Header
Location Toy Lounge, Dey Hall
Sponsor Carolina Women's Center
Date/Time 10/16/2018 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Clare Counihan clarecounihan@unc.edu
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The Office of Human Resources and the Carolian Women's Center are teaming up to offer a combined session covering "Planning for Parental Leave" and "What to Expect When You're Expecting."

Planning for Parental Leave (HR)

UNC-Chapel Hill provides faculty and staff who become parents, either by birth or adoption or foster-care placement of a minor child, with leave to allow for the healthy recovery of the primary caregiver, bonding with the adopted child, and/or a period of family adjustment. This workshop provides an overview of the parental leave process and addresses frequently asked questions regarding maternity and paternity leave such as “How does FMLA work?” and “When and how do I apply for leave?” and “How do I get paid while on leave?” Course objectives:

•  Awareness of entitlements with respect to parental leave
•  Understanding of the process for taking maternity and paternity leave
•  Knowledge of resources available to new parents (i.e. benefits and work/life programs)

What to Expect When You're Expecting @UNC (CWC)

What should you expect when you're expecting? Whether you're pregnant, adopting, or fostering, the only thing you know you can expect is lots of change!

Join us for the CWC's overview of resources on and off campus, lactation rooms and other accommodations, finding and paying for child care, and work/life balance.

*Please feel free to arrive a few minutes early and to bring your lunch.

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