Event Details
Event Title Python II (Live stream at HSL)
Location Health Sciences Library Room 227
Sponsor Library - Health Sciences
Date/Time 10/30/2018 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Barrie Hayes bhayes@email.unc.edu
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Python is widely used by researchers in many disciplines, and can be used to accomplish or automate many tasks outside academia. This is the second workshop in a series designed to help you learn the basics of the Python programming language.

The HSL event space does not have computers; remember to bring your fully charged laptop (with Python 3 and the Anaconda distribution installed from Python I workshop)!

This registration is to attend this workshop via live stream at the Health Sciences Library (HSL) Research Hub, room 227. 

If you prefer to attend the in-person workshop at the Davis Library Research Hub, register here: https://calendar.lib.unc.edu/event/4294525