Event Details
Event Title Web Mapping (Live Stream at HSL)
Location Health Sciences Library Room 307
Sponsor Library - Health Sciences
Date/Time 09/19/2018 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Barrie Hayes bhayes@email.unc.edu
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You don't need to be a GIS expert or a web programmer to make great-looking, informative web maps. This workshop will highlight ArcGIS Online, an easy-to-use web mapping and analysis tool.  ArcGIS Online is a web mapping tool and an online component to ArcGIS. This easy to use tool utilizes an impressive library of base maps and data to help you create beautiful interactive maps that can be shared online. In addition, it gives users control over look and feel of their maps through a variety of Web Apps and Story Maps.

The classroom has computers for you to use; you may also bring your laptop.

This registration is to attend this workshop via live stream at the Health Sciences Library (HSL), Room 307.

If you prefer to attend the in-person workshop at the Davis Library Research Hub, register here: https://calendar.lib.unc.edu/event/4292594