Event Details
Event Title NC Infection Control Training for Outpatient Settings - Jacksonville, NC
Location Onslow Memorial Hospital, 317 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546
Sponsor Center for Infectious Diseases - Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology
Date/Time 10/09/2018 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Amy Powell amy_powell@med.unc.edu
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A listing of courses available for Long Term Care, Dental, and Home Health / Hospice can be found at spice.unc.edu

Title: NC Infection Control Curriculum for Outpatient Healthcare Settings

Onslow Memorial Hospital, 317 Western Blvd., Jacksonville, NC 28546, Classrooms 1 and 2

Parking and location map

NOTE: This course is provided free of charge. Handouts and lunch are provided (indicate dietary restrictions under special needs). 

Successful completion of the post-course assessment affirms that the participant has acquired the training mandated by the North Carolina Statute .0206, Infection Control in Health Care Facilities Rule, which requires that each health facility designate a staff member to direct infection prevention activities.Title: NC Infection Control Curriculum for Outpatient Healthcare Settings.

Contact: Wanda Lamm, Wanda.lamm@unc.edu252-557-3882

Faculty: Julie Hernandez, RN, BSN, CIC; Wanda Lamm, RN, BSN, CIC, FAPIC; Heather Ridge, RN, BSN, BS, CIC

Nursing Contact Hours:  5.16

Statement of Disclosures:

This continuing nursing education activity has been submitted to the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

Learners will gain knowledge of infection control principles to systematically assess that his/her facility has the appropriate infection prevention policies, procedures, and practices in place to allow healthcare personnel to provide safe patient care consistent with North Carolina communicable disease rule 10A NCAC 41A .0206: Infection Prevention - Healthcare Facilities.

All participants must attend module presentations 1 - 7 and complete the on-line course evaluation to receive their course completion certificate and continuing education credit.

Planners and presenters declare that they have the following potential conflicts of interests and financial relationships they wish to disclose: Judie Bringhurst - Consultant, Cogentix Endosheath

Planners and presenters declaring that they have no potential conflicts of interests and financial relationships they wish to disclose are: Wanda Lamm, Evelyn Cook, Amy Powell, Heather Ridge, Julie Hernandez, Stephen Harris, Brittain Wood, Catherine Fischer, Polly Padgette, Kirk Huslage, Ashley Jackson, Deb Norris, Charlene Carriker