Event Details
Event Title Mentorship Series Workshop: Navigating Critical Conversations with Advisors
Location Graduate Student Center, 211A West Cameron Ave
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 03/27/2018 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Brian Rybarczyk brybar@email.unc.edu
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Are you a graduate or professional student that needs help navigating conflicts with your advisor? If so, please join us for an interactive workshop where students will discuss common problems that arise between them and their advisors (i.e., negotiating expectations, publication credit, aligning career goals), learn situational language to help resolve conflicts, and familiarize themselves with student resources on campus.

This workshop will be facilitated by Laurie Mesibov and Victoria Dowd from the UNC ombuds office. The university ombuds office is open to all students and serves as a confidential and independent resource to discuss ongoing problems and potential next steps, if sought. To learn more about the ombuds office, visit their website (http://www.ombuds.unc.edu/about.html).

Please register and answer the pre-workshop questions. Your answers will help Laurie and Victoria prepare for an event that is useful and responsive to your concerns. They will use the responses in a way that does not identify you or your department. (The ombuds office has been open for thirteen years and has worked with thousands of visitors and has never broken confidentiality. They won’t here.)

This event is being co-sponsored by the UNC GPSF and GSPD. Light refreshments will be served.