Event Details
Event Title Summer Leadership Series - Jul/Aug 2017
Location Various
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS)
Date/Time 07/07/2017 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Beka Layton rlayton@med.unc.edu
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TIBBS Leadership Series

Weekly from July 7, 2017 - August 8, 2017

(See schedule of events below.)

The Summer Leadership Series (co-sponsored by UNC TIBBS, Office of Graduate Education and the Duke Office of Biomedical Graduate Education), a six-part series aimed at empowering biomedical trainees to discover and develop their own leadership potential, offers an incredible opportunity to learn more about your own strengths and weaknesses, engage in structured and meaningful professional development activities, gain a deeper understanding into what makes you “tick” as a scientist and as a future leader, and develop your confidence and competence as a professional, all while meeting other students from UNC and Duke. Participation in this program will allow you to both develop and demonstrate leadership, management, and interpersonal skills that will improve your performance as a student and as a future employee. Upon successful completion of all program requirements, you will receive a UNC/Duke Summer Leadership Series Certificate.


Session 1 - Kickoff Event: What’s Your Leadership Style & Why Does It Matter?
Friday July 7, 9a-12p - Marsico 2004
Peter Metzner, Leadership Coaching at Dynamic Change Incorporated
Session 2 - Innovative Leadership: On the Cutting Edge
Tuesday July 11, 9a-11a - Bioinformatics 1131
Sheila Mikhail, CEO and Co-Founder, AskBio
Session 3 - Across the Spectrum: Leadership in Context - A Diversity Panel
Tuesday July 18, 9a-11a - Marsico 2004
Invited guests (see confirmed list of panelists on Summer Leadership Series website)
Session 4 - Mentoring, Coaching, and Leadership: The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 
Tuesday July 25, 9a-11a - Marsico 6004
Kathy Lee, CEO & Founder Kintegrity Development Services LLC, and formerly Operations Learning and Talent Development Leader at Dow Chemical
Session 5 - Closing Session - Leadership in Review: Evaluate Your 360-Impact
Tuesday August 1, 9a-11a - Marsico 2004
Peter Metzner, Leadership Coaching at Dynamic Change Incorporated
Session 6 - Leadership in Action: Challenge Yourself to Grow as a Leader
Tuesday August 8, 8a-1p - UNC’s Campus Recreation Center Challenge Course
Course Facilitators & Peer Group Leaders
Final Challenge - Personal Reflection and Peer Mentorship
Essay Submission and Peer-Reviewed Evaluations
Registration is required and space is limited, be sure to register today!

Learn more at: http://tibbs.unc.edu/summer-leadership-series/