Event Details
Event Title Creatively Engaged Conversations - Methods of Communicating Your Research to Different Audiences
Location Room 504 Wilson Library (First Floor Near Grand Entrance)
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence
Date/Time 04/24/2017 10:45 AM - 1:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Ampson Hagan ampson@live.unc.edu
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Are you interested in bringing your graduate research to diverse audiences, including lay communities? Do you want ways of engaging people with your research other than through scholarly writing and publishing? Do you want to be a public intellectual? Are you interested in podcasting, building a website or hosting a TED talk to promote your research and ideas?

This graduate student led workshop will provide an opportunity for graduate students to share with other students how they engage audiences, beyond academic circles, with their research. This workshop will have a graduate student panel discussion, followed by a lunch-and-learn session with representatives from campus resources to help with research communication. During the lunch session, students can speak to representatives about various research communication techniques, including social media, to promote graduate student research to diverse audiences. Lunch provided.


10:45 AM Sign-In; 11:00 AM Workshop Begins



Ampson Hagan, Anthropology

Torri Stanton, Education

Meli Kimathi-Blake, Communication

Nancy Quick, Allied Health Sciences

Willie Wright, Geography