Event Details
Event Title Etiquette Luncheon-Graduate Student Registration
Location Carolina Inn
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 01/23/2017 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Event Price
For more information, contact the event administrator: Brian Rybarczyk brybar@email.unc.edu
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In a study conducted by the Stanford Research Institute, it was found that 85% of your job success is related to your people skills. If two individuals have the same education, technical skills and experience, the one with the better people skills will get the job or promotion hands down. This luncheon seminar will provide insights into effective business meal tactics, styles of eating, silverware savvy and more. Includes a four-course luncheon tutorial guaranteed to heighten your dining skills. Ms. Savannah Shaw, expert in professional and personal development will lead this seminar. http://www.savannahshaw.com/ Open to current UNC graduate & professional students and postdoctoral scholars. Seating is limited. Business or business casual attire preferred. REFUNDS WILL NOT BE ISSUED. Sponsored by The Graduate School and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs.