Event Details
Event Title The Anatomy of a Case Interview for Graduate Students
Location Graduate Student Center, 211A West Cameron Ave
Sponsor University Career Services - co-sponsored by The Graduate School
Date/Time 03/29/2017 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Amy Blackburn amy_blackburn@unc.edu
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In recent years, consulting firms have begun to hire more and more advanced professional degree (or APD) candidates. Because of this, many PhD candidates in a variety of disciplines are becoming interested in this field. This seminar will dive deep into the concept of case interviews, an integral part of any consulting job interview. A thorough introduction to the world of consulting and case interviews will be followed by an integrated case workshop, in which attendees will be asked to put their logic and case-solving skills to the test. Please join us for an informative (and fun!) afternoon learning about consulting interviews.

**for UNC graduate students only**