Event Details
Event Title Forum Book Club: Callings
Location Bull's Head Bookshop
Sponsor Employee Forum
Date/Time 02/23/2017 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Matthew Banks mbanks@email.unc.edu
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UNC Staff are invited to join the Employee Forum book club on February 23, 2017 from 12pm-1pm at Bulls Head Book Shop. We will discuss the book Callings:  A Celebration of Lives of Purpose and Passion by Dave Isay. The book can be purchased at a special discount online or in the store at Bulls Head Book Shop.  Lunch will be provided with registration.

Please email employeeforum@unc.edu if you have special dietary concerns.

Description:  In Callings, StoryCorps founder Dave Isay presents unforgettable stories from people doing what they love. Some are paid well for their work, others not at all; some found their paths at a very young age, others later in life; many overcame great odds or upturned their lives in order to pursue what matters to them. These stories were collected over the past two years as part of a national outreach campaign, a first for StoryCorps, and most have never been published or broadcast until now.

We meet a man from the barreros of Texas whose harrowing experiences in a family of migrant farmers inspired him to become a public defender. We meet a longtime waitress who takes pride in making regulars and newcomers alike feel at home in her Nashville diner. We meet a young man on the South Side of Chicago who became a teacher in order to help at-risk teenagers like the ones who killed his father get on the right track. We meet a woman from Little Rock who volunteers to help former inmates gain the skills and confidence they need to rejoin the workforce. Together they demonstrate how work can be about much more than just making a living, that chasing dreams and finding inspiration in unexpected places can transform a vocation into a calling. Their shared sense of passion, honor, and commitment brings deeper meaning and satisfaction to every aspect of their lives.