Event Details
Event Title PI Development Series: Introduction
Location Bondurant G074
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence
Date/Time 09/29/2016 8:45 AM - 11:00 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sohini Sengupta sengups@unc.edu
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A faculty member who becomes a Principal Investigator (PI) on a research project quickly realizes that being a PI demands new and different roles and responsibilities to establish a successful research program. Many faculty members can find the demands of project management and managing people overwhelming.

The PI Development Series introduces PIs to an array of helpful topics relating to their responsibilities in conducting and overseeing research projects at UNC-CH. The audience for this series is faculty and postdocs who are PIs or who are about to be new PIs. The Introduction module will focus on helping PIs think through the different aspects of establishing a research program at UNC-CH. We also will spend some time working on a vision statement for a PI's research program, so attendees should come prepared to create, discuss, and refine their own vision statements.


8:45am sign-in; 9am module begins

Presenter: Sohini Sengupta, Research Coordinator, Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE)