Event Details
Event Title NIH F31 Workshop
Location Graduate Student Center (211A W. Cameron Ave near Carolina Inn)
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence - (Co-Sponsor: NC TraCS)
Date/Time 09/14/2015 9:45 AM - 11:30 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sohini Sengupta sengups@unc.edu
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NIH F31 grants are predoctoral fellowships to allow promising doctoral students obtain mentored research training while conducting their dissertation research in the areas of biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research that meet NIH's priorities. This workshop will focus on F31 grantmanship.

9:45am sign-in; 10:00am presentation will begin


Susan Pusek, Director of Education, NC TraCS
Sohini Sengupta, Research Coordinator, Center for Faculty Excellence