Event Details
Event Title NSF Grants for Graduate Students--Information Session
Location Graduate Student Center (211A W. Cameron Ave. near Carolina Inn)
Sponsor Center for Faculty Excellence - (Co-sponsor: Graduate School)
Date/Time 09/10/2015 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sohini Sengupta sengups@unc.edu
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This information session will introduce graduate students to NSF grant opportunities for different stages of their graduate education. These include the Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP), Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants (DDIGs), and the NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships. NSF funds projects mostly in the life sciences (natural and basic sciences) and some social sciences.

10:15am sign-in; presentation will begin at 10:30am

Presenter: Sohini Sengupta, Research Coordinator, Center for Faculty Excellence