Event Details
Event Title Put Your Science to WORK with Peter Fiske, PhD
Location Genome Sciences Building, Room G200
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS)
Date/Time 03/20/2013 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Erin Hopper hoppere@email.unc.edu
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Put Your Science To Work:  Practical Advice and Proven Techniques to Land the Job of Your Dreams
Dr. Peter Fiske, CEO of PAX Mixer, Inc. and the author of Put Your Science to Work:  The Take Charge Career Guide for Scientists

Young scientists in nearly every field are finding today’s job market a confusing and frustrating place. More new PhDs, postdocs, and master’s degree holders are considering a wider range of careers in and out of science, but feel ill-prepared and uninformed about their options. Dr. Peter Fiske, author of 22 technical articles and a former member of the technical staff of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, will share with the audience:

Please join us for a reception in the courtyard after the presentation.

Co-sponsored by TIBBS, University Career Services, the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, and The Graduate School.