Event Details
Event Title AWFP Presents: "Will Women Leaders Ask New Questions About Education?" with Prof. Catherine Marshall
Location Toy Lounge in Dey Hall
Sponsor UNC Association for Women Faculty and Professionals
Date/Time 03/04/2013 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Katie Turner katie_turner@unc.edu
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The Association for Women Faculty and Professionals invites faculty, staff, and members of the UNC-CH community to the annual AWFP Spring speaker event. This year's event features Catherine Marshall, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy at UNC-CH. She will give a talk titled "Will Women Leaders Ask New Questions About Education?" and take questions from audience members. Prof. Marshall's work focuses on dismantling oppressive practices. She studies the politics of education and teaches courses on qualitative methodology, gender and policy and social justice leadership.

Light refreshments and cookies will be served. For more information about AWFP, please visit our website at http://awfp.web.unc.edu.  We look forward to seeing you there!