Event Details
Event Title 2013 CurateGear: Enabling the Curation of Digital Collections
Location Friday Center, UNC-Chapel Hill
Sponsor School of Information Library Science
Date/Time 01/09/2013 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Price
For more information, contact the event administrator: Michelle Taylor michele@email.unc.edu
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An interactive day-long event focused on digital curation tools and methods.  See demonstrations, hear about the latest developments, and discuss application in professional contexts.

Regular registration: $125
Student registration: $50


• Jonathan Crabtree, Odum Institute for Research in Social Science
• Mark Evans, Tessella
• Lisa Gregory, State Library of North Carolina
• Barbara Guttman, National Institute of Standards and Technology
• Carolyn Hank, McGill University
• Chien-Yi Hou, University of North Carolina
• Greg Jansen, UNC Libraries
• Leslie Johnston, Library of Congress
• Cal Lee, University of North Carolina
• Nancy McGovern, MIT Libraries
• Richard Marciano, University of North Carolina 
• Mark Matienzo, Yale University
• Courtney Mumma, Artefactual Systems
• Trevor Owens, Library of Congress
• David Pearson, National Library of Australia
• Doug Reside, New York Public Library
• Ryan Scherle, Duke University
• Seth Shaw, University Archives, Duke University
• Katherine Skinner, Educopia Institute
• Mike Thuman, Tessella
• Helen Tibbo, University of North Carolina
• William Underwood, Georgia Tech
• Doug White, National Institute of Standards and Technology
• Kam Woods, University of North Carolina