Event Details
Event Title Becoming a Carolina Firsts Advocate: Discussion, Luncheon, and Pledge
Location The Carolina Club - Alumni Hall I
Sponsor Office of Undergraduate Education
Date/Time 01/18/2013 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Candice Powell candicef@email.unc.edu
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A First Generation College Student (FGCS) is a student from a family in which neither parent has earned a four-year undergraduate degree. Nearly 20% of undergraduates at UNC-Chapel Hill are first generation college students. About 50% of transfer students are FGCS.  We proudly call our FGCS “Carolina Firsts”.

The Becoming a Carolina Firsts Advocate event, hosted by Undergraduate Retention and the First Generation College Student Committee, aims to normalize student help-seeking behavior and promote an institutional culture of student success for FGCS by enhancing faculty and staffs understanding of FGCS experiences at the University.

Over lunch and interactive discussion, participants will explore the experiences of FGCS in the University environment.  This session will focus on understanding the needs of FGCS as well how participants can better support these students on their path to graduation. Lunch is provided.