Event Details
Event Title Becoming An Effective Mentor
Location TBD
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 09/12/2012 - 10/17/2012 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Brian Rybarczyk brybar@email.unc.edu
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This workshop is intended for graduate students and postdocs in the natural or medical sciences that are interested in mentoring undergraduate students in scientific research.

Good mentoring can be learned! Effective mentoring in the lab can lead to greater research productivity,  efficiency,  and satisfaction. This mentoring skills workshop will offer a framework for developing a philosophy and style to guide decisions and actions in working with undergraduate students as well as a forum in which to discuss dilemmas that arise in working with those students. The six- week workshop curriculum was developed by the Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching and is supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.  Those who complete the workshop will earn a certificate in effective mentoring in the research laboratory.

During the workshop, we’ll delve into the following questions:

- How do I design a (good) research project for an undergraduate student?

- Why are clear expectations so important?

- How do I establish effective communication with my student?

- How do I know when my student is ready to be more independent?

- My mentoring experience is going terribly, how can I fix it?

- What is my mentoring philosophy?


Other seminar goals:

- Discuss strategies for recruiting/screening high quality undergraduates to assist with your research

- Write and revise your personal mentoring philosophy

- Network with other mentors from different disciplines

- Learn how to effectively manage your relationship with your own mentor


The workshop will meet for six weeks, at one hour per week. Participants will be expected to attend all six sessions. Snacks will be provided.


Where: 1377 Genome Sciences Building OR 202 Mary Ellen Jones

When: Wednesdays, September 12 to October 17 (6 weeks total)

What time: 4 – 5pm

Space is limited, so please register as early as possible.

Questions? Please email Justin Shaffer at shafferj@unc.edu

UNC - Chapel Hill