Event Details
Event Title Graduate Student Appreciate Week: Massages
Location Carolina Union RM-2422 & 2423
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 04/03/2023
For more information, contact the event administrator: AhDream Smith ahdream@live.unc.edu
Sorry, This event has expired
Session Status Session Session Date Start Time End Time Cutoff
Expired Session 1 04/03/2023 12:00 PM 12:10 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 2 04/03/2023 12:12 PM 12:22 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 3 04/03/2023 12:24 PM 12:34 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 4 04/03/2023 12:36 PM 12:46 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 5 04/03/2023 12:48 PM 12:58 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 6 04/03/2023 1:00 PM 1:10 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 7 04/03/2023 1:12 PM 1:22 PM 04/01/2023
Expired Session 8 04/03/2023 1:24 PM 1:34 PM 04/02/2023
Expired Session 9 04/03/2023 1:36 PM 1:46 PM 04/01/2023
Come enjoy a 10min massage on us, as a way to show our appreciation. 

Sponsored by The Graduate School, Student Wellness, and The Graduate and Professional Student Government