Event Details
Event Title 8 Week Mindfulness Based Stress Management Course Tuesdays
Location Virtual
Sponsor UNC Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Program on Integrative Medicine Mindfulness Center
Date/Time 01/21/2025 - 03/11/2025 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Event Price
Cutoff Date 01/31/2025 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Paula Huffman paulah@email.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Paula Huffman BS,RN,ERYT Mindfulness Instructor, Mindfulness Mentor Paula has been leading Mindfulness courses with the UNC Program on Integrative Medicine Mindfulness Center for 14 years. She completed two extensive studies with the Mindfulness Center at UMass led by Jon Kabat Zinn and Staff for Healthcare Providers and as a Facilitator of the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses.
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8-Week Mindfulness Based Stress Management Course
Via Zoom

Led by Paula Huffman, BS, RN, ERYT, Mindfulness Instructor, Mindfulness Mentor

Tuesday evenings January 21st-March 11th
6-8 PM EST, via Zoom

This evidence based; educational program is modeled on the 8 week course as developed by Jon Kabat Zinn at the Center for Mindfulness of the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Mindfulness is about waking up to our lives as we learn ways to pay attention on purpose, which provides the opportunity to step out of Auto Pilot and live life more fully.

As supported by clinical studies, participants who have completed these programs may report the following:

Cultivation of the ability to slow the ruminating mind that can result in catastrophic thinking often based on thoughts that are not facts.

An enhanced ability to mitigate the effects of chronic pain.

Greater energy and enthusiasm for life through awareness of present moment experiences.

Improved self-esteem and overall personal growth.

An ability to cope more effectively with both short and long-term stressful life events.

Improved sleep

Management of mindless eating.

Improved methods of communication.

What to Expect:

8 Sessions, 2 hours each.

A participatory experience that includes Instructor presentations, group discussions and introduction to and practice of Mindfulness meditations.

Support through the provision of extensive course reading materials, guided meditation audio tracks, and on-line supplemental resources.

Unlimited email access to the Instructor for questions and guidance.

Participants are encouraged to practice home assignments for 30 minutes daily when possible.

This challenging, life-affirming course requires a solid commitment for optimal benefit. Your instructor is committed to and skilled at creating a safe, supportive, and deeply engaging environment.

Fee: $375 General Public | $350 UNC Affiliates | $100 off for repeat participants
Limited scholarship support may be available

Questions: paulah@email.unc.edu