Event Details
Event Title STEMM Education Research Collaborative - Lightning Talk & Round Table Discussion Luncheon - Dec 5
Location Bondurant 2030
Sponsor Training Initiative for Biological and Biomedical Sciences (TIBBS) - STEMM Education Research Collaborative, Carolina Seminar Series
Date 12/05/2024
For more information, contact the event administrator: Beka Layton rlayton@med.unc.edu
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The STEMM Education Research Collaborative: A Carolina Seminar Series 

Event: STEMM Education Research Collaborative – Lightning Talk & Round Table Discussion Luncheon
Date/Time: Thursday, December 5th, 2024 @ 12-1p @ Bondurant 2030
Format: In-Person (lunch provided, RSVP required)

Description: Our members will present lightning talks and socialize together. We will feature 1-2 of our colleagues’ work in short 5-minute highlights reels for part of the session, combined with interactive networking activities and through round table discussions to meet new colleagues (and perhaps future collaborators!) from across disciplines at UNC. 

Lightning Talk speakers will include:

"Do student-generated cheat sheets promote student exam success?” – Laura Ott, PhD – Biology Department

Round Table Topics will include:
Topic: Coming soon!

See SERC Website & Event Flyer for more details at: tarheels.live/serc

(Sponsored as a Carolina Seminar Series)


As a reminder, the STEMM Education Research Collaborative is a group of education researchers who hope to build a community across disciplines (including Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine - STEMM). We would like to invite you to join us in starting a community of researchers at Carolina focusing on higher education scholarship - from undergraduate to graduate to postdoctoral education and training; to med education; to STEMM pipeline and admissions evaluations; to faculty training and development of the academic research enterprise; to classroom-based, lab-course, and teaching scholarship; and beyond. This group broadly encompasses faculty, staff, and other scholars across campus who engage in education research.