Event Details
Event Title Navigating Tough Talks: Strategies for Addressing Common Mentor/Mentee Issues (in-person)
Location | Marsico, room 6004
Sponsor Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
Date/Time 10/16/2024 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Cutoff Date 10/14/2024 Must register before this date
For more information, contact the event administrator: Dara Wilson-Grant dwgrant@email.unc.edu
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Conflict is a normal, natural, and inevitable part of life; the workplace is no exception. And despite hearing that it's best to address issues head-on, whether big or small, for postdocs, that does not always feel possible. Let's just say it: the mentor/mentee relationship is complicated. Postdocs often feel like the stakes are too high to engage in conversations meant to address a problem. 
This workshop will provide postdocs with practical and effective strategies, plus campus resources for addressing challenges that commonly arise in mentor/mentee relationships. The goal is to address the issue while fostering a positive and productive working relationship.
This workshop is a safe space for postdocs to discuss case studies and their personal experiences. Registration is limited to current UNC postdocs.