Event Details
Event Title Instructor Workshop: Helping your students harness the power of AI
Location https://zoom.us/j/91803352774?pwd=cFFyWmtONEEwNmxDemd1dElPUTNhUT09
Sponsor Arts and Sciences Information Services
Date/Time 05/13/2024 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Matt Osment matto@email.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Matthew Belskie OASIS Instructional Technology Group
Session 2: Helping your students harness the power of AI 
In this session we will explore ways instructors can model effective use of AI for their students and how you may introduce strategies for using AI as a personal study partner. AI may be used to have “conversations” with primary resources, be a personal foreign language partner, and act as “devil’s advocate” to test students’ assumptions. Additionally, AI can help develop outlines and skeleton structures, consolidate notes, and be a conceptional tutor. Let us help you develop these skills for yourself so you may impress your students and nurture best practices. 
Prerequisites: This session is open to all UNC instructors. We recommend, but do not require, that you have some previous experience with AI or have attended an introductory session. 
Zoom meeting: While not required, we encourage participants to turn on their cameras for this session, ask questions, speak-up if something is not clear, and make recommendations for future workshops. 
UNC - Chapel Hill