Event Details
Event Title NRP Researcher Appreciation Week Session 1: Developmental Support for Children in Clinical Trials
Location Via Zoom
Sponsor UNC Network for Research Professionals
Date/Time 05/20/2024 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sandy Barnhart sandy_barnhart@med.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Kelly Clark Therapy Services Manager - Pediatrics
About the speaker:
Kelly Clark is a certified child life specialist with over 25 years of experience supporting children, adults, and their families as they navigate new and challenging experiences in community and healthcare settings.  Prior to working in the healthcare setting, Kelly was a parent of a hospitalized child and brings this experience to the table both in professional encounters and as co-chair of the NC Children's Hospital Patient and Family Advisory Board.  Kelly has presented at the local, state, and national level on topics including supporting children and adults with autism, partnering with families, and understanding personal and professional boundaries.  Kelly lives in Chapel Hill with her husband Tony, son Sam (18), daughter Kate (9), and dogs Kai and Pickles.

Title: Developmental Support for Children in Clinical Trials


1. Identify opportunities to provide developmentally appropriate preparation for processes and procedures involved in clinical trials.
2. Define the components of the ONE VOICE approach to supporting children and families during clinical trials.
3. Collaborate with available supports to provide patient and family centered care.
UNC - Chapel Hill