Event Details
Event Title Aging in Community: Amplifying Abundance & Care Through Intergenerational Connections
Location Marian Cheek Jackson Center - 512 W Rosemary St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Sponsor Carolina Center for Public Service - Partnerships in Aging Program & Marian Cheek Jackson Center
Date/Time 03/01/2023 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Macy Green macyag@unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Ryan Lavalley Assistant Professor and Co-manager of the LINK and NRF Programs, Department of Health Sciences
Aisha Booze-Hall Co-Manager of the LINK and NRF Programs, Marian Cheek Jackson Center
Louise Felix Resident Leader
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The Partnerships in Aging Program at UNC-Chapel Hill and the Marian Cheek Jackson Center have worked together to develop intergenerational programming that encourages community building, good neighbors and age-embracing relationships. The Linking Generations Across Northside and the Northside Residential Fellowship have evolved into rich opportunities for students and older adults to learn and grow together while honoring and renewing the abundant culture and history of Northside, Pine Knolls and Tin Top, the historically Black communities of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the history of the Northside communities. Presenters will share lessons learned in developing intergenerational, intra-community relationships that also support the mission of the Jackson Center, a powerful and community-rooted organization. The Jackson Center has multiple partnerships with Carolina and Carolina Engagement Week is pleased to feature three events across the week to spotlight work being done in collaboration with them.

A Carolina Engagement Week 2023 Event
Carolina Engagement Week 2023 is your chance to explore the impact of community-driven partnerships powered by state and local community leaders and Carolina researchers. By attending one or more sessions, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of the methods and collaborative approaches that are working effectively throughout different parts of North Carolina. You can also identify new opportunities to engage in community initiatives around the state designed to create social and economic impact.
UNC - Chapel Hill