Event Details
Event Title NRP March 2022 Education Session: Informatics-Ready Cohorts: Creating Ideal Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Data-Driven Recruitment
Location https://zoom.us/j/97413489929?pwd=d3RQSWtSY3VpQnl3UlAyVjZlSDYwQT09
Sponsor UNC Network for Research Professionals
Date/Time 03/17/2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sandy Barnhart sandy_barnhart@med.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Emily Pfaff Co-Director, NC TraCS Informatics Component Emily Pfaff is a research assistant professor in UNC Chapel Hill's Department of Medicine, specializing in clinical informatics. Her research interests are clinical data modeling, data harmonization, and computable phenotyping. In addition to research and teaching, she co-directs the informatics component of UNC's CTSA, the NC TraCS Institute.
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If you’ve ever used the Carolina Data Warehouse to define a patient cohort for recruitment or analysis, you’ve been asked to provide inclusion/exclusion criteria for your population of interest. In this talk, you’ll get some tips for ensuring that your criteria is “informatics ready,” and will result in the most accurately defined cohort for your research.

UNC - Chapel Hill