Event Details
Event Title UNC NRP February 2022 Education Session: Informed Consent in Research
Location https://zoom.us/j/97413489929?pwd=d3RQSWtSY3VpQnl3UlAyVjZlSDYwQT09
Sponsor UNC Network for Research Professionals
Date/Time 02/17/2022 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Sandy Barnhart sandy_barnhart@med.unc.edu
Event Presenters
Name Title  
Catherine Barnes Personnel Development and Training Specialist Catherine Barnes, CCRP is a Personnel Development and Training Specialist at UNC-Chapel Hill. She has over 6 years of experience in conducting and managing human subjects research. She also creates and manages various education sessions for research personnel, including topics like informed consent, source documentation management, phlebotomy, and others. Her primary interests revolve around the education and retention of research personnel; to ensure that they feel happy in their positions while growing professionally and personally.
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This course will educate attendees on both the elements of the informed consent form and the informed consent process. Attendees will learn what elements should be included in informed consent, how to conduct informed consent discussions, and walk through common informed consent scenarios.

UNC - Chapel Hill